Mouse for playing.
Stick Defenders throws you right into the action of defending your base with a team of stickman fighters, ready to take on wave after wave of enemies. Combine your stickman soldiers to level them up and make your army stronger. Every merge creates a tougher, more skilled defender, so you’re ready when the enemy waves get crazier and harder to handle. Keep upgrading by merging identical fighters, boosting your walls, and unlocking special abilities. Each boost matters – stronger units and better defenses help you hold off the endless attacks and keep the base secure. And don’t miss out on the "spin the wheel" feature; it’s like a lucky draw that gives you bonus items, perfect for turning the tables when things get intense. Use your skills wisely, keep an eye on cooldowns, and deploy abilities right on time to keep the pressure on the enemies. How long can your base hold up against non-stop enemies? Jump into Stick Defenders and see how far your army can go!